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Sales & Services

Florida and Georgia Fire and Safety Rules and Regulations :: click here

Halon Systems - An odorless and colorless halon gas is used in some fire extinguishers and is quickly becoming a more popular eco-friendly alternative.

Restaurant Systems - Protect your business with our fire suppressing systems. Auto paint and body shops have also used these.

Fire Extinguisher Service - Inspect your fire extinguishers, they could come in handy one day. Get Bruce Fire and Safety to service you extinguishers today.

Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning - Prevent future hazards in your restaurant with the proper cleaning. Grease laden vapors can cause fires.

Dry Ice - Keep important materials cold while you ship them. Whether your shipping, cooling, or just being festive on halloween we can accommodate.

CO2 Service - With your soda machine or your keg-o-rator we can meet your CO2 needs.

Emergency / Exit Lights - As of 2001 code requires functioning hearing impaired battery powered, back-up emergency exit lights and tests should performed on these systems monthly.

Fire Protection Training - Many companies benefit from having Bruce Fire and Safety train staff on fire safety precedures.

Scuba Tanks - Hydro-tests along with Hydro-static and visual tests can be performed by our licensed and certified professionals.

Survive Air Tanks - Fire Department and other emergency services need these safety tanks.

Hydro Testing - Testing for high pressure tanks such as fire extinguishers as well as scuba tanks and survive air tanks.

Visual Inspection Tests - We can tell you if state safety regulations are met.


“We will never forget.”

Bruce Fire & Safety Equipment
5176 Woodlane Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 575-7348

Locally Owned Since 1973

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Bruce Fire & Safety Equip. Inc.